Chief Operating Officer- Saudi German Hospitals – UAE
Job Description:
Planning and Forecasting
Sits with non-medical department heads to work on the hospitals strategic plans (short or long terms).
Establishes periodic budgets for the hospital-wide operations and extra-curricular activities necessary to enhance the hospital image and achievements.
Plans other activities contributory to the goals, mission, and vision of Saudi German Hospitals Group.
Forecast/projects budgets and estimated revenue on the hospital operations based on previous year operational results in order to plan for the needs and anticipate the patients’ loads and operational improvements.
Liaises with the Chief of Medical Operations to synchronize medical strategic plans with the management plans.
Organizes all materials, facilities, personnel and other resources necessary to run the hospital including medical needs according to the lists provided by the Chief of Medical Operations.
Supervises all hospital-wide activities by conducting ocular inspections (or making departmental visits) and receiving endorsements or regular reports from the departments.
Issues directives necessary to carry out daily business operations.
Establish new or modification of policies and procedures in the objective of improving the system taking in consideration all advises and programs of the hospital-wide T.Q.M. Department.
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