Account Delivery Head (ADH), Wipro, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Role Purpose

The purpose of the role is to drive and improve  deliveryfor mega-gamma/ key growth accounts by providing innovative solutionsthrough automation and next generation technologies, ensuring righttalent supply chain to enhance customer satisfaction and lead organicgrowth.




Delivery Management
Ensure seamless delivery of projects in a Mega – Gamma/Key Growth Account
Drive and deploy account/ project delivery structure by evaluatingthe budget, costs, risks and staffing requirement
Ensure 100% compliance to Project SLA’s, information securityprotocols etc (all customer’s contractual obligations)
Monitor and take appropriate actions on internal and external auditfindings to ensure no major non-compliance/ deviation from the SLA
Ensure adherence to program/ project charter in terms of schedule,quality, efforts and cost
Drive account health across projects by conducting periodic cadencewith the quality team to take proactive measures to resolves issues/possible escalations
Conducts periodic cadence with Workforce Management Group (WMG) toensure 100% fulfillment as per the account/ project requirement
Regularly audit quality (QA) status of delivery and engage QA teamto ensure adherence to Quality Assurance standards and processes
Collaborate and influence internal key stakeholders to ensurefulfillment, technology support and flawless delivery of projects

Client Relationship Management
Engage with client to opportunities to deploy multiple solutionswithin/ across SLs to create a stronger value proposition for clientsand enhance share of business
Conduct regular customer connects (meetings/ visits/ video-conference) and Management Review Meetings (MRM) with clientmanagement/engagement managers to understand customer’s currentand future needs and seek feedback to improve delivery methodology/timelines/ resource allocation
Identify and close early warnings on a project to avoid any customerescalations
Plan and conduct Quarterly Business Reviews (QBR) with the clientmanagement/ leadership team to drive improvement actions and mine for anew portfolio/ opportunity within the account
Design, monitor and share account performance dashboards/ reportswith the clients periodically
Drive delivery transformation with client engagement managers toadapt to new delivery models and instill new ways of working in customerorganization
Share Wipro’s capability and initiatives that may support/fulfill customer’s needs

Delivery governance across the accounts/ projects
Review MIS and reports to monitor and track overall project/ accountdelivery management
Conduct periodic reviews with the team (DM’s/PM’s) onoperational, quality and fulfillment parameters and new idea generation& its implementation on existing projects
Resolve project escalations, potential risks or early warning signson project delivery to eliminate any revenue leakage
Review and monitor revenue allocations/ realization to avoid OBrevenue leakage
Provide inputs to delivery leadership team on overall deliveryperformance parameters (project heath, utilization, realization etc) atan account level during reviews highlighting any critical projectescalations and potential risks

Enable revenue growth of an account within a vertical
Identify opportunities for deployment of new technology, growthsolutions and services in the account by bringing SL practices/ othercapabilities for client solutioning
Engage with existing customers to identify new businessopportunities and increase the existing portfolio for an account byproviding relevant solutions in order to increase delivery drivenrevenue
Support pre-sales team to create and propose relevant solutionsto the customer requirements/ request for proposals for a project in anaccount
Support sales team with acquisition and traction of new deals byunderstanding the customer needs thereby ensuring higher conversion rate

Operational Excellence
Automation Focus
Drive automation charter and related initiatives in an account
Develop, drive and deploy automation led solutions and serviceimprovements to deliver value added services to the customers therebydriving customer’s business forward
Deploy next generation hyper automation and crowdsourcinginitiatives in coordination with Holmes RO team to enhance productivity,quality and speed of delivery

Innovation Focus
Deploy new ways of working (Agile, DevOps etc) on the projects toimprove quality, delivery speed and productivity parameters
Drive value adds and BVMs; showcase them to customer in MRM &QBR to drive growth
Plan for periodic idea campaign at account level and share the topideas with customer during MRM / QBR

Drive and deploy Knowledge Management across the account
Contribute in internal knowledge sharing initiatives at Wipro bydriving internal training sessions, best practices, learnings, valueadds and BVMs and deploys best practices in various projects within anaccount
Deploy the Wipro’s knowledge management portal across theaccount and monitor & track trainings

Capability Development and Talent Pipeline Creation
Demand forecasting in line with business requirements
Spearhead quarterly demand forecasting and resource planning alignedto requirements of the account/ projects
Create and deploy a workplan to fulfil the required demand from allthe talent channels including external (lateral, contractors etc) hiringin coordination with WMG/ CWMG and Talent Acquisition team

Lead upskilling initiatives across the account
Prioritize and identify essential skills required across accounts/projects to facilitate and drive right supply chain across the account
Partner with competency group and talent transformation team todrive upskilling initiatives within an account
Support workforce transformation team to identify and deploy multi-skilling upgradation model for all account employees
Drive towards 100% mandatory training compliance for the targetpopulation within an account
Plan and drive rotations for seed positions and ensure replacementplan to be arrived ahead of rotations
Quarterly connect with critical talent to understand theiraspirations and create their learning maps along with project managersand HRBP

Fresher engagement program
Ensure a stable arrangement and assimilation of rookie within anaccount in coordination with competency group team (classroom trainings/e-learning, certifications, on the job training etc)
Team Management
Hire adequate and right resources for the team
Talent Management
Ensure adequate onboarding and training for the team members toenhance capability & effectiveness
Build an internal talent pool and ensure their career progressionwithin the organization
Manage team attrition
Drive diversity in leadership positions
Performance Management
Set goals for the team, conduct timely performance reviews andprovide constructive feedback to own direct reports
Ensure that the Performance Nxt is followed for the entire team
Employee Satisfaction and Engagement
Lead and drive engagement initiatives for the team
Track team satisfaction scores and identify initiatives to buildengagement within the team
Stakeholder Interaction


Stakeholder Type

Stakeholder Identification

Purpose of Interaction



Delivery strategy and governance

Practice Heads of a SL

To ensure smooth project delivery and right solutioning approach

Global Client Partner, Client Partner

Support sales in solutioning and project delivery estimation

Holmes RO

Automation initiatives within an account

BU Quality Team/ Central Quality Team

To deploy central quality policy and framework

Legal and Compliance

For contract management


For fulfilment and demand forecasting

Global Talent Acquisition, Global Campus Head

For recruitment and campus hiring

Talent Transformation Team, Competency Group

To deliver specific trainings, certification programmes


For visa processing/ stamping

ERM Team

Keep abreast with different policies and framework related torisk management

Internal audit team

Audit of  various accounts as per compliance

Workforce transformation team

For multi-skilling of identified resources

Pre-sales team

For solutioning for an RFP/ client requirement


To drive HR engagement activities

Finance team (BU/ SL)

For payment/ invoice management

Procurement team

For contract management (MSA and SOW)



To drive business growth and relationship management

Vendors/ Partners/ OEM’s/ Contract Manufacturers

For resourcing/ contracting, trainings, technology platforms,equipments etc


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What is an ATS CV?

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