Marketing Manager, Nestle, Jeddah, KSA


Position Summary

You will be responsible for driving the local Marketing Strategy aligned to the overall Brand Strategy with a focus on sustainability and quality.

A day in the life of...

Develop integrated brand communication plan (ATL, PR, Digital, Social, etc.) to support marketing strategy and ensure alignment with global guidelines and programs, recognizing market specificity.  
Ensuring the adaptation of the global Marketing Strategy: Adapt and implement corporate/global and regional PR and Event Programs. Develop and deploy local projects validated by the Zone.
Define and translate CRM & Consumer Insight Studies into relevant Actions: Evaluate local needs for specific developments if any and manage development accordingly with prior validation from HQ on all ATL activities. Develop materials for specific advertising/media support for e.g. CLP, campaigns, local mega posters etc.
Building Brand Awareness and ensure Brand Positioning: Implementation and compliance with all HQ guidelines related to the Brand Essence and Architecture and leverage the same as a competitive advantage
E-Commerce: Propose and manage all digital initiatives (including web-related, social media and online) appropriate for increasing brand awareness and sales. Maximize  on-line distribution through all viable internet vehicles, portals and sites and, Increase direct distribution through the use of partner’s database i.e. credit card companies.
Budget Management: Budgeting, controls and reporting at the market level and, Manage approved (regional/local) agencies and service providers to ensure quality, costs and effectiveness parameters and capitalize on international networks to achieve specific business objectives. Responsibility on managing marketing budget PFME and the right budget allocation as well as utilization, ensuring accurate forecasting and control as well as effective use of budget across all channels, working in parallel with Media/ Finance/and in alignment with the Business Head.  
Manage approved (regional/local) agencies and service providers to ensure quality, costs and effectiveness parameters and capitalize on international networks to achieve specific business objectives
People Development: Provide the local management team with the necessary coaching, guidance on implementing global/regional strategies in Marketing, PR and Events

What will make you successful

o    Has demonstrated within a fast moving environment to manage a Marketing department as the functional lead 
o    Worked in a similar position for at least 10 years
o    People management experience is a must, in leading and managing cross functional teams
o    Experience in below areas:
-    Consumer Research and Insights
-    Brand Management and Consumer Communication
-    Proven track records in digital communication (including Social Media) 
-    Direct Marketing 
-    CRM 
-    Product Manager in a market or Business Unit


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